Advanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript – Part 2
This blog explores bottom-up and top-down debugging. Both can be used outside of JavaScript. Also shows how Chrome's Dev Tools allow for top-down debugging by watching DOM modifications.
View ArticleDependency Injection Options for Java
A high-level summary of popular dependency injection (DI) framework options for Java.
View ArticleDevelopers Are Lazy (And How To Use That To Your Advantage With Eclipse)
Features, tips, and tricks for developers using Eclipse as a development environment.
View ArticleAdvanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript – Part 3
In the continuation of his debugging techniques series, Zach explores Chrome-specific JavaScript debugging with Conditional Breakpoints, Event Listener Breakpoints & Observing Changes.
View ArticleThe Importance of Unit Testing
Any significant enhancement to a complex system is likely to be fraught with pitfalls & setbacks. But both unit tests that existed before development enhancements and unit tests you create as part...
View ArticleVacuole Encapsulation
Encapsulation approach to bring data sources and implementations closer together, allowing reflection-like behavior in a format that mere mortals can read. Validations become a plain vanilla function...
View ArticleFive Funny Moments in Developer History
Software development is a serious business that requires a lot of discipline, knowledge, and professionalism. But there is no better cure for stress than friendly humor. Whether your sense of humor is...
View Guitar Tuner
The JavaScript library was released on 4/10/2014. The idea behind it is simple yet powerful: make HTML5/JavaScript/CSS web pages perform and feel like native mobile apps. I've been tinkering...
View ArticleUsing Handsontable Inside jQuery Tabbed Dialogs
Handsontable is a minimalistic Excel-like data grid editor for HTML, JavaScript & jQuery. This blog is a get-started guide for Handsontable, showing you how useful it is and how to integrate into a...
View ArticleThe Journey From JEE to SPA
Since many developers interested in Single Page Applications have JEE backgrounds similar to mine, I bring my journey to light as my mistakes are not unique. Here's what I learned, tips for making the...
View ArticleProgramming for Change
Many bad development decisions aimed to make a prototype work faster seem harmless at the time, but they invariably come back to bite us (and, if not us directly, the poor guy who has to maintain our...
View ArticleSignalR in a Nutshell
SignalR can be used to add any sort of “real-time” web functionality to your ASP.NET application. Any time a user refreshes a web page to see new data, or the page implements “long polling” to retrieve...
View ArticleMy Move From ColdFusion to Java Development
I enjoyed worked in ColdFusion for some time, but found its tool set was not as rich as Java. So, I set out to transition & I learned a lot in the process.
View ArticleCode For Maintainability So The Next Developer Doesn’t Hate You
It's easy to say that coding for maintainability is best, but what should you do to achieve it? Here are eight realistic suggestions to get there -
View ArticleGraduate School: ”Do… Or Do Not. There Is No Try” – Yoda
Honest opinions and feedback about working full time and pursuing a master's degree in computer science.
View ArticleLessons Learned in Automated Testing
Common challenges Agile teams face when trying to write automated tests and how to solve them
View ArticleCreating Your Own Java Annotations
Why you would want to consider creating your own Java Annotations, how to do so, and an example in action.
View ArticleJAXB – A Newcomer’s Perspective, Part 1
An example of a simple usage pattern that pairs JAXB’s data binding capabilities with JPA. Even if you’re in the “no XML ever” JSON camp you still might still want to read this, as the observations and...
View ArticleJavaScript Promises Are Cool
An introduction to JavaScript Promises with simplistic examples of a single promise, a promise chain, and a parallel promise of promises.
View ArticleTime-Oriented Debugging
Being able to isolate my techniques has made me a better debugger in general. Here's one: time-oriented debugging. It's is a way of debugging that compares snapshots of the same code base at different...
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